Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Good and The Bad

I am amazed at how much learning I receive in just living this thing called life every day. Today has been a multi-faceted day. It began with a beautiful snow storm that snowed me in for a warm, cuddly, sweats wearing, cookie baking, present wrapping kind of day. Then I received a wonderful phone call from my beloved that was news of prayers being answered that have been prayed for at least 3+ years. Miracles of God....not being preachy..just stating the facts...for some things are just too miraculous to be coincidence. It was a phone call full of joy and amazement at seeing the hand of God move and begin to change the life of one dear to us. And then I received an email from a very close friend that means hurt, fear, disappointment and uncertainty for her in receiving word of a big loss in her life. And I just can't help but think about the opposing nature of the two different events that I have learned about and yet how much they can work together at the same time in strengthening my faith. I believe that the miracle of the first phone call can strengthen me for the times that I find out something bad that could make me question God's presence or why He allows certain things. He wants me to believe and stand on the truth that He is ALWAYS with me, with all of us and hold to that truth when the future seems bleak. I pray as I sit here with uncertainty in my own future that He will help me to hold on to the lessons that He has shown me today and that maybe they will bless and serve as a reminder for you when circumstances begin to make you doubt His love.

1 comment:

plants said...

Great insights! And by the way, He's not just always with you but He's always for you too.I've started reading the new book you got me in the Wild at Heart series and it talks about how all the things we experience from great to terrible can be used in the hands of our Father. I'm just not used to being all that accepting of what comes from a father, (I know I'm alone in this, just try to understand)I love you Beryl,
your Neil