Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Never Forget Who Our Real Daddy Is!

I continue to be blown away by the overwhelming truth that we are formed as human beings by the imperfect hands of our parents. Well meaning parents hopefully, but imperfect nonetheless. And while it only takes a small percentage of our life to be developed by them, we then spend the rest of our life dealing with whatever they developed in us. As a survivor of well meaning but very broken parents, I really resent and struggle with the reality of that truth. And then, to make it worse, I know so many special hearts that deal with that same reality every single day, some more aware of that fact than others. And my heart aches for them and frankly, me as well. It seems so very unfair. But as I was thinking about that tonight, another voice came clearly thru and drowned out my own.

"BUT the bottom line is that you are MINE and I am your Father. I take care of what is mine and you are a work in progress, a work that I never did and never will forget about. I am using all of the baggage that you are so weary of carrying for my purpose. And in the end, you will be healed of ALL your wounds. Those two people who raised you and the baggage they gave you is NOT your legacy. I AM YOUR LEGACY. You are a daughter of THE King, my special little girl and the apple of MY eye."

So I sit here with tears in my eyes because that is the real truth. It is the truth that I need to remember as I continue on my difficult journey of, as someone special told me once, "discovering, uncovering and discarding." That even though I am broken and backwards as a human being, when He looks at me, He sees a woman that is whole and beautiful. And He wants you to know today that despite the wounds of the past and being on a journey of discovery, as you are right this moment.....YOU are a bright light in the heart of your Daddy....a beautiful, radiant daughter of The King. Ask Him today to show you an aspect of your beauty that you have forgotten or maybe have never even recognised...don't be afraid to ask because He has a long list to choose from and wants to show you how lovely you truly are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.