"There's no one like her on earth, never has been, never will be. She's a woman beyond compare. My dove is perfection, pure and innocent as the day she was born."
Wow! Wouldn't it be the most wonderful blessing in the world if someone would say those words about us?! If someone would believe those words until we are able to?! "Pure and innocent as the day she was born." The heart response that I have to those words is more than I can express. That is what I long for...I actually remember being truly innocent and it was a wonderful feeling, especially now, looking back on it. So very many things have happened, in my childhood, yes, but, boy, even more in my adulthood to destroy that sweet innocence. So I read those words with a heart full of longing, tears and regret.
But here is the beautifully awesome truth........those precious words are, in fact, about US! You and Me! They are words from the heart of God for his daughters. Yes, they are from the Song of Solomon. I deliberately did not mention it before now, as I know the buttons that book can push for many of us. But, the truth of that book is that it is a deliberate picture that our Daddy inspired to be written so that we could know how He sees us. And that is how He sees us....right this moment....before another "work" can be done towards healing, before another session can be attended, another healthy decision made. These are all things that WE feel driven to do because we have been taught that we are not the beautiful picture portrayed in the words above. But the truth is, we are beautiful, lovely, adored, precious and yes, even pure in the eyes of our REAL Daddy right now! I meet with a group of some of the most amazing women that I have ever known and I venture to say that none of them feel that they are beautiful and yet, they are truly more beautiful than I can say. They have hearts that are amazing to me, that bless me every week and are women that I feel honored to know and have in my life. That is why our spiritual family is so very important. They can reflect the things that our Father sees in us that we cannot see in ourselves. They can love us and believe in us until we can do it ourselves. But as a step in that direction.....I challenge you again to just very simply ask Him to show you a part of your beauty. This can be extremely hard for a variety of reasons, but I can tell you from my own experience that He understands our fears and wants to restore our trust in His love. It's just a baby step BUT, that is how the journey happens....just one baby step at a time. Thank you for being on this journey with me. You bless my heart more than you will ever know..well, at least in this world! :-)
For anyone interested: The scripture is Song of Songs 6:8,9 in "The Message"