The Lord continues to move in wonderful ways regarding the women's ministry that He has called me to. On the left is the new logo that He inspired me to draw. He made it clear to me quite a while ago that the reason that sexual abuse is so wounding and far reaching is because it wounds or even breaks the very core of who the girl is. Then once we become women, those far reaching affects bleed over into every aspect of our lives even though we may not be aware of it. The little girl learns very fundamental as well as crucial things from her abuse. How to view herself, men, parenting, home, marriage and MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, how she views God. And the most horrible thing about abuse and in particular, sexual abuse is that it ruins our trust in our Heavenly Father and His love for us. From everything that I have learned it then becomes impossible to live the full, abundant life that Christ shed His blood for. So the Lord wants me to make the focus of His ministry, the little girl inside that is still broken and battered. He wants her to be reached and taught how to begin to trust Him and receive His love that He has for her alone. It is only when the little girl begins to believe in His love for her and trust Him, that the now grown woman can begin to make powerful changes in her view on every aspect of life and in turn, change her life. Abuse imprisons and He, our Daddy, wants us to be free! There is not a form of abuse that I have not experienced other than demonic, ritual abuse. For so long I could not understand why He allowed all those awful things to be done to me. Now, however, I have no doubt that while He would NEVER cause abuse to be done to a child, He can turn the evil of Satan and this world around for His purpose. And He intends to use my life experiences to extend hope for you, the wounded little girl that is crying out for the love of her Father. I can tell you that while the journey is very difficult as well as painful....as you begin to receive healing and begin, one step at a time to cling to Him, life becomes a very different experience. A life of joy instead of a life of survival begins to emerge and THAT is the life that He wants for me and for you. So hang in there, I can tell you from experience that there are wonderful things over the horizon if you are willing to work at healing and as a result begin trusting in His love for you.
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