Wow! I couldn't believe it when I saw the date of my last entry. Time truly does fly. I know I have said this before, but I do believe this time really is different. There will be much more consistent entries from this point on.
So what is different THIS TIME Beryl? Well, there were things the Lord needed to do in me before I could publish my book, "He Showed Me Why". Those are the same things that I needed to be consistent in writing on this blog. He has been working much healing in my heart and giving me a focus I haven't had before. Let's face it....publishing my book is an entirely different thing than I have ever done before. I am wasting my time self publishing if I am not going to be committed to promoting it. After all, I'm not just the co-author (God is the Author) but I am also the agent and publisher. This blog is part of God's plan that is now set in motion and I don't intend to do anything to hold His plan up!
That being said, this entry is strictly devoted to announcing that my book, "He Showed Me Why" is going to be available in ebook format as of March 6, 2011. Since I am self-publishing, I am solely responsible for funding and let's just say, um, I don't have any! Well, very little anyway. So doing it as an ebook first will allow me to make the money to then print hard copies. I only need to sell 62 ebooks to make enough money to print 50 hard copies which I feel confident is more than attainable.
It will be available through my website at http://www.heshowedmewhy.com/ with a link to pay through PayPal which is very secure. I appreciate all of your support and any thoughts or questions that you may have once you have read it. This probably won't come as a shock if you have followed my entries through the years, but it isn't an easy read, HOWEVER, it has a GREAT ending!
So what is different THIS TIME Beryl? Well, there were things the Lord needed to do in me before I could publish my book, "He Showed Me Why". Those are the same things that I needed to be consistent in writing on this blog. He has been working much healing in my heart and giving me a focus I haven't had before. Let's face it....publishing my book is an entirely different thing than I have ever done before. I am wasting my time self publishing if I am not going to be committed to promoting it. After all, I'm not just the co-author (God is the Author) but I am also the agent and publisher. This blog is part of God's plan that is now set in motion and I don't intend to do anything to hold His plan up!
That being said, this entry is strictly devoted to announcing that my book, "He Showed Me Why" is going to be available in ebook format as of March 6, 2011. Since I am self-publishing, I am solely responsible for funding and let's just say, um, I don't have any! Well, very little anyway. So doing it as an ebook first will allow me to make the money to then print hard copies. I only need to sell 62 ebooks to make enough money to print 50 hard copies which I feel confident is more than attainable.
It will be available through my website at http://www.heshowedmewhy.com/ with a link to pay through PayPal which is very secure. I appreciate all of your support and any thoughts or questions that you may have once you have read it. This probably won't come as a shock if you have followed my entries through the years, but it isn't an easy read, HOWEVER, it has a GREAT ending!