"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
"Renew a steadfast spirit".....what does that indicate? It tells me that we can expect to have days of tumult and feelings of upheaval..that is just part of doing this thing we call life. But the key...is to turn to our Father and ask Him to calm the storm, AGAIN, and to bring back His pure peace into our heart so we can see in truth. What I mean is, last night, I was discouraged, afraid, hopeless and frustrated. When I am in that place, in the midst of the storm, I am incapable of seeing and feeling anything but the waves splashing in my face and the wind whipping me around...and when I am there, I'm right where the enemy wants me. I think that there are times in our lives when calming the storm in our spirit is something that is done daily...it is a process. And the key thing to remember is that I can't do this alone...He is the Calmer of the storm and the Source of the peace that I seek...the clarity and focus I desperately need...all rest in the palm of His hand. I found comfort in the above verse because it says to me that He knows that despite having a day of peace, the very next day I could find myself being tossed about like a wave on the ocean again and will need to go back to my anchor and beg Him to calm the storm. He is okay with that and He loves me anyway.