When we are abused...in any fashion...we learn as children to wear masks because we, of ourselves are not acceptable (at least that is the lie we are told.) In some cases, we not only have our own masks that we wear to try and protect ourselves, but we have masks that are thrust upon us, that we had better conform to, or be willing to accept the horrible consequences. But as we get older, without realizing it, both types of the masks can become our identity, either to win favor or as a protective instinct. Then, suddenly, we realize, that we have no idea who we really are, how we really feel or what we really believe. We start to cling to the false masks we have because we just know that if we take them off and look in the mirror, we will find and see....nothing...nobody. So the question beckons us....isn't it better to wear a false mask than to rummage through the years of abuse and pain to rediscover ourselves again? Isn't a fake identity better than no identity at all? PRAISE THE LORD that He holds the answer to this frightening, painful conundrum.
Acts 17:28 says, "For in Him we live and move and have our being." Italics mine
What a wonderful place to start finding ourselves! While trusting in Him for anything is an ongoing battle....if we just open the door to Him a crack and timidly ask, "Please....Daddy...show me who I am in Your eyes. Help me begin to find MY beliefs. Help me begin to know that it is okay for me to have feelings and to express them. Show me small ways that I can start to explore the parts of me that are really me and that You love." There is no one that wants us to be whole individuals more than our Father and He says in His word that if we ask ANYTHING according to His will, He will give it to us. Rest assured, we will begin to find our true identity with His guidance and strength.